1st installment of Annual Development Assistance Fund in FY 2023-2024
Serial No. Project Name Ward No. Varadh
01 CC welding of the road from the front of Hazirpara Ahmad Ali Merchant House to the front of Chalim Uddin Merchant House. 07 3,00,000/-
02 Bara Baraballabpur Road in front of Khalek's house CC casting 09 3,01,600/-
2nd installment of Annual Development Assistance Fund in FY 2023-2024
Serial No. Project Name Ward No. Varadh
01 Baraballabpur from Batagach floor to the front of Roushan Huzur's house with CC welding. 09 6,07,300/-
2020-2021 of the LGSP List
Serial No. - |
Project name |
Ward |
Type of project |
Allocation amount |
01 |
( A ) caracamita Begum ajipha High School Multi- Media klasaramnama set. ( B ) A Chandrapur Azizia ebtedaye madrasa , ratanerakhila jamiratali daramnasa Sunnah Islamia Alim Madrasa , East aladadapura achalamiya madrasa , East hajirapara Hamidia Dakhil Madrasa , hajirapara Hamidia High School in the Hygiene pack / suraksasamagri distribution. |
3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 |
Health protection |
1 , 50 , 000 / -
50 , 000 / - |
02 |
( A ) the aladadapura mijhi member of the family in front of Hashem polti firm has entered roads brick salim. |
01 |
II , 00 , 000 / - |
03 |
Caramohammadapura Kamil Bhuiyan 's house, street by the pond beside the guide wall construction. |
07 |
II , 9 , 048 / - |
In total |
6 , 29 , 048 / - |
2019-2020 of the LGSP List
Serial No. - |
Project name |
Ward no |
Type of project |
Allocation amount |
Project progress |
01 |
( A ) the aladadapura wealth Kazi 's roads CC cast performing. ( B ) the aladadapura nachira house adjacent roads brick salim . |
01 01 |
Communication |
123470 |
Project work yet started is not.
02 |
( A ) Jatrapur road from the Osman scholar 's roads CC cast performing. ( B ) the aladadapura mokhalecha member 's rasatmaya CC cast performing. |
03 |
Communication Communication |
150,000 100,000 |
Project work yet started is not.
03 |
Caracamita bhutu member 's rasatmaya CC casting office |
04 |
Communication |
100,000 |
Project work yet started is not.
04 |
( A ) ratanerakhila uduma pond shore on the west side of the stand on the kalabhata built. ( B ) Construction of guide wall on the north bank of the pond of Hossain Haji Saheb of Ratanerkhil Rashid Mia Bari .
05 |
Communication |
05 |
( A ) uhcandrapura Bahar Miah 's r ÿÿ t the deaf Qina stand in the kalabhata built.
( B ) uttaracandrapura Haji mannana dealer 's Western r ÿÿ Nov. side of the roads adjacent to the pond -side guide wall construction.
( C ) South Chandrapur Gafur shop in front of the road on the kalabhata built. |
07 |
Water drainage
Water drainage |
1 , 45 , 000
II , 00 , 000
75,000 |
Project work yet started is not.
07 |
( A ) caramohammadapura KB RA Pvt Note Shaheed Minar built ( B ) Grain construction in front of Hajirpara tehsil office
07 07
Xi ÿ the Communication
120,000 80,000
Project work yet started is not.
07 |
Iuchuphapura paved road away from the nachara Ahmed Haji 's roads CC cast performing. |
07 |
Development |
20,000 |
Project work yet started is not.
07 |
( B ) barabalasnabhapura Abul Kalam building roads kalabhata built. |
09 |
Communication |
80,000 |
Starting is not.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS